I was asked, “If you could impart one bit of advice to worship leaders about worship, what would it be?” Well I guess I’d tell them: “Less is more”…
The way I look at it, my job as a preacher and theirs as a worship leader...
As spiritual leaders we’ve been given position and power. It can be used wisely for the benefit of others or selfishly to get our own way or for protection. How do we use our position and power when we’ve been letdown, lied to, or hurt....
What do you do when you discover that your cherished, well-intentioned plans to do something for God turn out not to be God’s plans at all.
In his second talk, Sitting Down, Mike shares about this common test of a servant-leader’s heart.[audio mp3="http://vusatest.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2Sitting-Down.mp3"][/audio]...
Back in January at the Vineyard South Central Region Pastor’s Retreat in San Antonio, Mike spoke on make or break heart issues that every servant leader faces.
In this first of three talks he shares about heartbreak. Whether you’re a pastor or a lay leader you will...