What’s happened to Christmas? Commercial superficiality has intruded on this once hallowed celebration and hollowed it out. All that’s left is a non-stop shopping binge and way too many obligatory holiday events to attend, leaving all but the most ardent Yuletide devotees, worn out and...

I’ve been asking myself the question, “What is true, God-honoring worship?” and I keep going back to that conversation Jesus had with the woman at the well. To me it’s an example of a person catching a glimpse of God’s glory-in-the-flesh, the lifting of veils...

The Westminster Shorter Catechism states: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. We’ve been put here on earth to glorify and enjoy God. That’s huge! But if asked to explain what God’s glory actually is, I find many Christians can’t, which...

I was asked, “If you could impart one bit of advice to worship leaders about worship, what would it be?” Well I guess I’d tell them: “Less is more”… The way I look at it, my job as a preacher and theirs as a worship leader...

Once upon a time the Vineyard worship was just about the only game in town. No longer. We’re now one of many worship movements serving the Body of Christ that has come along as a result of worship trails we blazed and trends we set....