‘Being A Missional Person’ videos

The term missional has gone viral. It’s everywhere. It’s trendy to talk about “being missional”. But what does it actually mean? Unfortunately all the buzz around this term has blurred its meaning.

Some think its code for starting a bunch of new church activities when you’re too busy already. To others it’s a call to go out in the streets with gospel tracts and bullhorn in hand. Both misconceptions are a turn-off. But what if it meant becoming the kind of person you always wanted to be ever since you gave your heart to Jesus! That might be a game changer for some of you.

In this series of five, under two minute videos Mike shares some simple but insightful thoughts about what it means to be a missional person. You’re welcome to use them for small group discussions or as intros to sermons on the topic of missionality.

It’s a lifestyle

Living with a purpose

Engaging others relationally

Serving others

Pointing people towards Jesus

The term missional has gone viral. It’s everywhere. It’s trendy to talk about “being missional”. But what does it actually mean? Unfortunately all the buzz around this term has blurred its meaning.

Some think its code for starting a bunch of new church activities when you’re too busy already. To others it’s a call to go out in the streets with gospel tracts and bullhorn in hand. Both misconceptions are a turn-off. But what if it meant becoming the kind of person you always wanted to be ever since you gave your heart to Jesus! That might be a game changer for some of you.

In this series of five, under two minute videos Mike shares some simple but insightful thoughts about what it means to be a missional person. You’re welcome to use them for small group discussions or as intros to sermons on the topic of missionality.

It’s a lifestyle

Living with a purpose

Engaging others relationally

Serving others

Pointing people towards Jesus