It seems to me that there are more Christians today that don’t attend church at all or only go occasionally than there are committed regulars. But if you’re serious about growing up in Christ and becoming mature there’s no way around it, you’ll have to embrace...

I attended the memorial service of a great man a few years ago. He was some one I greatly admired and influenced me deeply. You won’t find his name in history books or in Who’s Who but what made him great in my eyes was... In this video cast Mike shares what married spiritual leaders with families should focus their  primary ministry on if they expect to last over the long haul.

I came across a story about a mother whose child was having trouble falling asleep in the dark. Trying to be a comfort she said, “Oh honey, there’s nothing to fear in the dark and besides, the angels are near you.” To which the child...

I remember John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard saying (only half jesting), “I hope I grow up before I grow old.” It was a big deal to him because one of the most important tasks in life is growing up. Becoming mature not just...

I’ve been asking myself the question, “What is true, God-honoring worship?” and I keep going back to that conversation Jesus had with the woman at the well. To me it’s an example of a person catching a glimpse of God’s glory-in-the-flesh, the lifting of veils...

The Westminster Shorter Catechism states: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. We’ve been put here on earth to glorify and enjoy God. That’s huge! But if asked to explain what God’s glory actually is, I find many Christians can’t, which...

I read something that shocked me the other day. According to a study published in The New York Times, some 62,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year! The article said that’s like 171 people in America dying from Ebola each day. Or if every...

God is present and involved everywhere and in everything. That’s what omnipresent means. As Eugene Peterson writes, “There are no zones from which he’s exempt”. He’s present and involved in every corner of heaven and earth; in the personal and public; in every area of...