No matter how much “system” we try to build into our systematic theology we will never get past the mystery that is God and his kingdom and until we come to grips with this uncomfortable truth we’ll constantly be stubbing our toes on the “stone...

Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor   that God has to ask his advise? (Romans 11:33-34) We humans are born know-it-alls. We think we know everything and if we...

What’s a leader’s greatest enemy? Unhappy followers? Contentious board members? A mutinous staff? A divisive lay leader? Problems on the home front? As serious as these may be, nothing is more damaging to leadership than insecurity! The insecure leader is on the prowl, searching to satisfy...

[vimeo][/vimeo] "Cooperative friends of Jesus" is a phrase I've borrowed from my good friend Todd Hunter if you want to read more about this helpful idea I recommend his book, "Christianity Beyond Belief"....

Recently I was asked to talk to a group of pastors and leaders about the Spirit-led leader. After thinking about it for a while I thought it would be more helpful to talk about spiritual leadership. Spiritual leadership is different than the leadership we’re used...

It seems like today everything is built for speed not the long haul. We live in a world of one hundred and forty character quips, six-second videos and instant gratification. The idea of praying unhurried and quietly day in, day out, seems as exciting as...

Being a pastor is probably one of the only professions that can be faked without anyone really noticing - except God, of course. Most people have no idea what we pastors actually do since most of what we do goes on out of the public eye...

Like Forrest Gump I’ve serendipitously crossed paths with and shared life and ministry with some of the most interesting and gifted people to come along in the Vineyard movement over the years. Although I stand on the shoulders of so many wonderful men and women...

The spiritual gift of encouragement is more than cheerleading or advice giving. It’s one of those essential spiritual gifts that people don't tend to notice they need until they get it. This gift is very important especially to spiritual leadership, which can become very lonely and...

Ministry is hard. It is not for the soft or lazy. But over the years I’ve watched many a leader burn out from busy sickness – a contagious bug that strikes servant leaders who try to do God’s work for him. It's contagious because you...