I read something that shocked me the other day. According to a study published in The New York Times, some 62,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year! The article said that’s like 171 people in America dying from Ebola each day. Or if every...

God is present and involved everywhere and in everything. That’s what omnipresent means. As Eugene Peterson writes, “There are no zones from which he’s exempt”. He’s present and involved in every corner of heaven and earth; in the personal and public; in every area of...

Wimber’s Vision Wanting to bring perspective, balance and guidance to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Toronto in the mid-90’s, John Wimber prayed: “Lord, what do you want me to bring in the way of direction to this whole thing? As the leader of...

An observation As Empowered Evangelicals, is the Vineyard becoming more evangelical than empowered? Some point to what they see as a gradual drift away from classic Vineyard Holy Spirit ministry. Maintaining a message of power with little practice of it. Personally I don’t think so. Some of...

The Toronto Blessing with its, “’More, Lord!’-come-get-your-experience” reputation, has received its share of criticism - some deserved and some not so deserved. But despite the controversy, Toronto was a blessing in my life largely due to its often-overlooked focus on the Father’s heart. The Arnott’s...

In my last post (Worship, Presence & Power) I rehashed the story of the Vineyard beginnings and how our founders unexpectedly began experiencing God’s presence and power as they engaged in what has now become the trademark of the Vineyard - intimate worship. Carol Wong, John...

It’s an often-overlooked detail that power ministry in the Vineyard was not the result of a group of people deliberating pursuing healing or spiritual gifts, or power evangelism or even a fresh outpouring of the Spirit. It was actually a rather unintentional thing. To hear...

Before the Vineyard I had never heard the term “ministry time” used. I was familiar with altar calls and how they worked but ministry time was something new to me. I remember the first time I heard John Wimber say, “Now we’re gonna have clinic...

What’s a leader’s greatest enemy? Unhappy followers? Contentious board members? A mutinous staff? A divisive lay leader? Problems on the home front? As serious as these may be, nothing is more damaging to leadership than insecurity! The insecure leader is on the prowl, searching to satisfy...