On Growing Up
I remember John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard saying (only half jesting), “I hope I grow up before I grow old.” It...
I remember John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard saying (only half jesting), “I hope I grow up before I grow old.” It...
https://youtu.be/jt3HdNj40NE Mike discusses how adversity and failure don't have to be fatal. ...
My first year as a Chrisitian was spent at the Teen Challenge Training Center in Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania in the middle of farm and...
https://youtu.be/gq5cF1CEdKk Mike goes over Lance Pittluck's 7 ways to survive as a pastor....
I’ve been asking myself the question, “What is true, God-honoring worship?” and I keep going back to that conversation Jesus had with the...
The Westminster Shorter Catechism states: Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. We’ve been put here on earth to...
I read something that shocked me the other day. According to a study published in The New York Times, some 62,000 Americans died...
Ministry starts with God's call. Mike talks about how young leaders can discover and explore their calling. ...
God is present and involved everywhere and in everything. That’s what omnipresent means. As Eugene Peterson writes, “There are no zones from which...